Rivals of Waterdeep

Shaka and Dara

Episode Summary

The two tie the knot while a few special guests watch.

Episode Notes

 DM:   Shareef Jackson @ShareefJackson


Brian Gray as Virgil, Aasimar Storm Sorcerer @urbanbohemian 

Eugenio Vargas as Kent, Tiefling Phantom Rogue @DMJazzyHands 

LaTia Jacquise as D'Hani Lai, Arakockra Monk @LaTiaJacquise 

Shareef Jackson as Sharafka, Tiefling Warlock @ShareefJackson 

Tanya DePass as Selise Astorio, Human Paladin/Ranger, @cypheroftyr 

Masood Haque as Gazrick Nomrad,Rock Gnome Druid @MahRudeBoi

Rivals is sponsored by the following:

Podcast Producer:  DC Lasair @dclasair


Watch live on Sundays, 10am PT/12pm CT on twitch.tv/rivalsofwaterdeep