Synopsis: The Rivals follow a mysterious figure into the Hall of Illusions and beyond. Gazrick finds himself somewhere he never expected to return to. The party comes across a kaiju battle.
Brian Gray @urbanbohemian
Eugenio Vargas @DMJazzyHands
Gazrick Nomrad: Masood Haque, Rock Gnome Druid @MahRudeBoi
D'Hani Lai: LaTia Jacquise Arakockra Monk, @LaTiaJacquise
Sharakfa: Shareef Jackson, Tiefling Celestial Warlock, @ShareefJackson
Selise Astorio: Tanya DePass, Human Paladin/Ranger, @cypheroftyr
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Podcast and stream Producer: NoirEnigma
Watch live on Sundays, 10am PT/12pm CT on