Rivals of Waterdeep

1.12 | The Machine

Episode Summary

The party makes it to Three Daggers Alley to investigate the disappearance of locals. They run into their old friend Melanie who reveals what she has been up to. The crew tries to learn more about the apothecary, but are distracted by entertaining children with a song / dance about an octo-bird. Rinn discovers a ticking trunk in an abandoned building while Shaka and Selise explore a prestine tailor shop.

Episode Notes

The party makes it to Three Daggers Alley to investigate the disappearance of locals. They run into their old friend Melanie who reveals what she has been up to. The crew tries to learn more about the apothecary, but are distracted by entertaining children with a song / dance about an octo-bird. Rinn discovers a ticking trunk in an abandoned building while Shaka and Selise explore a prestine tailor shop.

Sundays @ 12 CST on TWITCH.TV/DnD