Rivals of Waterdeep

1.13 | The Rat in the Alley

Episode Summary

Summary: Rinn talks to his new Nimblewright acquaintance, while Ashbourne takes a look around the cellar. Outside Perrin and Selise hear someone calling for help and go investigate. While checking out a small apartment, Selise and Perrin are ambushed by a Grell. Meanwhile Ashbourne realizes she has stumbled upon an entire Grell nest in the cellar and immediately leaves. The party meets with Perrin and Selise as they fight the Grell, burn down an apartment and run into a very famous writer.

Episode Notes

Summary: Rinn talks to his new Nimblewright acquaintance, while Ashbourne takes a look around the cellar. Outside Perrin and Selise hear someone calling for help and go investigate. While checking out a small apartment, Selise and Perrin are ambushed by a Grell. Meanwhile Ashbourne realizes she has stumbled upon an entire Grell nest in the cellar and immediately leaves. The party meets with Perrin and Selise as they fight the Grell, burn down an apartment and run into a very famous writer.

Sundays @ 12 CST on TWITCH.TV/DnD