Rivals of Waterdeep

1.11 | 3 Months Later

Episode Summary

The party heads to Three Daggers Alley while having flashbacks of how they've spent the past 3 months training. Perrin makes friends with merchant owners while Ashbourne races Selise on the rooftops. Shaka gets several positions as help staff to blend in, while Rinn stays in shadows to pickpocket. Selsie decides to show her softer side... Err trys to at least

Episode Notes

The party heads to Three Daggers Alley while having flashbacks of how they've spent the past 3 months training. Perrin makes friends with merchant owners while Ashbourne races Selise on the rooftops. Shaka gets several positions as help staff to blend in, while Rinn stays in shadows to pickpocket. Selsie decides to show her softer side... Err trys to at least.

Sundays @ 12 CST on TWITCH.TV/DnD